In order to love others, first, you must love yourself. Find your happiest you.

NOURISH yourself with the elements needed for life: water, food and sunshine. Feed yourself with living food which has needed the same energy to grow as you need to live.
MOVE your body – to energise, strengthen and stretch you, both physically and mentally. All movement counts: walking, cycling, dancing, swimming, surfing, sports… find what makes you feel good.
RELAX your mind through calming, meditative activities: yoga, gardening, cooking, reading, journaling, music… Take time to stop. Breathe slower and deeper. Use a soothing bedtime routine to prioritise good quality sleep. Wake up feeling rejuvenated.
SHARE yourself. Be in nature: the countryside, mountains, ocean… connect with something bigger than yourself. Find purpose and value with others in your wider community. Spend time with your closest loved ones. Make each other smile – laughter is the best medicine.